Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Teaching under fire: The mission of the Catholic Church in Gaza Despite absolute uncertainty about what will happen in Gaza, the Latin Patriarchate of the Holy…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English What’s going on in Cardinal Prevost’s former diocese? I looked into a case of clerical abuse in the Peruvian diocese of Chiclayo, which…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Rádio Observador – Portugal é um paraíso para os muçulmanos Ouçam aqui a conversa que tive com o Khalid Jamal e com o João Paulo…
Abusos na Igreja Artigos e comentário na imprensa Opinião e análise Comentário na SIC Notícias sobre as compensações para vítimas de abusos A minha análise na SIC Notícias aos regulamentos para atribuição de compensações em casos de…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Jerusalem: “When the wounds are still bleeding it is not the time to speak of politics,” says Latin Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa asks Christians to focus on prayer, at a time when political discussions…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Church leaders applaud change to minimum marriage age in Pakistan The Catholic Church in Pakistan hopes this small step might help fight sexual abuse and…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English How a bishop became a bridge between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria Bishop Gerald Mamman Musa is the first Hausa to become a Catholic bishop, which has…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Iraq: “Christians are like olive trees. You can burn them, but they will still bear fruit” Ten years after tragedy, what is the situation of Christians in the Nineveh Plains, in…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English “Pope’s visit a blessing and source of hope for the People of East Timor” Pope Francis will visit East Timor in September. Catholicism is a major part of Timorese…