Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Iraq: “Christians are like olive trees. You can burn them, but they will still bear fruit” Ten years after tragedy, what is the situation of Christians in the Nineveh Plains, in…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Through gunfire, malnutrition and constant danger, Sudanese Christians grow closer to God The conflict in Sudan has dropped out of the mind of the general public, but…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English ACN stands in solidarity with victims of tragic flooding in Brazil ACN International is offering spiritual and material support for victims of tragic floods in Southern…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Another priest abducted in Nigeria Every year dozens of priests are kidnapped and held for ransom in Nigeria. This was…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Child’s Bible: 45 years of teaching children about God’s love The Child's Bible is a great project by ACN. Besides fostering faith, it helps keep…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Strengthening the faith of Catholics in Mindanao For forty years, the Silsilah movement has been promoting interreligious tolerance in one of the…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English ACN approves massive solar panel package to help Church in Lebanon and Syria ACN is helping the Lebanese and Syrian Churches to install solar panels, fighting an energy…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English Brutal killing of Christians in Nigeria’s Middle Belt continue Hundreds of Christians have been killed in Nigeria's Middle Belt. The age-old dispute between farmers…
Artigos e comentário na imprensa Posts in English For Ukrainians, the Way of the Cross is just another term for everyday life For Ukrainians, the suffering of Christ that we remember through the Way of the Cross…